5 Reasons Why You’re Getting Adult Acne
Acne plagues many adults — even years after the end of adolescence when blemishes are more common and expected. There are a variety of culprits to blame for these breakouts. Stress, fluctuating hormone levels, diet, skin care products, and prescription drugs have all been found to contribute to the flare-ups you thought you left behind in your high school study hall.
While there are some proven ways to prevent and treat adult acne, if you are predisposed to have this condition, you will have to make some concerted effort to keep this aggravating condition at bay. Read on to learn more about why you’re getting those frustrating breakouts.

Stress not only wreaks havoc on vital body organs, it also causes acne. Cortisol is a byproduct of stress and triggers the release of excess oil which can result in clogged pores. Fortunately, stress is something that can be managed with some extra attention to curtailing the triggers that create high-stress conditions. Since what bothers each individual is a personal matter, each person has to discover what their particular triggers are.
You’ve no doubt experienced the unpleasant surprise of a pimple surfacing right before an important meeting, or some other high-visibility event, when looking your best is on your mind. Whether it is the positive stress associated with a wedding or birthday party or the negative stress caused by an unwelcome personal challenge, you can be sure a break out is possible.
Hormonal Fluctuations
There is concrete proof that your hormones dramatically impact your physical and mental well-being. During peri-menopause, post-birth timeframes, before your period, and throughout menopause, your hormones are fluctuating. High testosterone levels, otherwise known as polycystic ovarian syndrome are another hormone related cause blamed for the unsightly blemishes known as acne.
Hormone Solution
While you can’t control your hormones on your own, speaking with your doctor can help you find medications that preserve hormonal balance. If these treatments are too aggressive for you, managing acne with natural skincare products is another solution.

Some experts believe that certain foods impact hormones and create acne. Specifically, dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and milk are believed to cause breakouts. A report from 2006 said that girls who consumed two or more glasses of milk on a daily basis experienced a higher likelihood of acne than their counterparts who rarely had milk, ingesting only one glass or less a week.
Diet Solutions
One recommendation for dairy lovers is to buy organic products which should lessen the intake of extra hormones. You can also transition to non dairy substitutes, like soy or almond milks.
Prescription Drugs
When you consider the long list of side effects you hear about with different prescription drugs, it is no surprise that many medications cause acne as a side effect. If you have breakouts when you start using a new medication, then it makes sense to consult with your doctor and see if there is another option. In some cases, the medication may be so irreplaceable that you should instead focus on treating the acne.
Hair and Skin Care Products
Cosmetics can clog your pores. If you find yourself fighting an acne breakout, you need to pay closer attention to the ingredients in your cosmetics, cleaners, lotions, and hair products.Below are two user-friendly words you should look for that indicate a skin-healthy option:
● Non-comedogenic
● Non-acnegenic
Most women have experienced the unfortunate repercussions of changing from one brand of cosmetics to another, only to suffer from an immediate breakout. Skin O2 gives you the perfect solution to this problem. All products are created by doctors and contains the highest quality of natural minerals combined with potent vitamins, anti-aging peptides & stem cells to help treat and protect the skin. There is no doubt that oil content and other ingredients contribute to adult acne. Remember to always read the labels on personal care items just like you read the ingredients in the food you purchase.
Acne Treatment and Prevention
Combining preventative measures and treatment options can end your acne problem forever, banishing this embarrassing condition once and for all.
Retinol Treatments
One recommended type of skin care includes retinol skin products that are believed to tighten pores, so that they secrete less oil. While these products are typically associated with reducing wrinkles, another welcome side effect is that they should also help prevent and treat acne.
Regular Washing
When you were a teenager you were encouraged to wash your face a couple of times a day to combat the excessive oil that haunted you as an adolescent. This advice makes just as much of a difference when you approach skin care as an older person. Using the right type of cleanser according to your type is also key. For Dry and sensitive skins a cream cleanser is best to use while gel cleansers are recommended for oily skins.

Natural exfoliation removes dead skin that can clog your pores and cause breakouts. It is important to be gentle with your skin and not use products that could irritate an active breakout. This treatment is more of a preventative measure than a treatment. Even exfoliating has its own set of rules. You should also select products which perfectly complement your skin type — whether it is normal/ combination, oily/ acne prone or sensitive skins similar to choosing your facial cleansers.

Don’t Overdo It
Anyone who has ever tackled an acne problem with too much enthusiasm can speak to the downside of irritating your skin. Over drying your delicate skin can be a particular problem and should be something to be avoided at all costs. As is always the case with any skin products, it is important to proceed with caution and with the advice of a knowledgeable dermatologist if necessary.
Take charge of your skincare today when you make informed decisions about your health, stress, and beauty products. For more of this, you can watch out for our monthly blogs, subscribe to our YouTube channel, Like our Facebook Page and follow us on Instagram.
Guest Blogger:
Daniel Brendt is a freelance writer and skincare enthusiast based in Los Angeles, CA. He loves experimenting with new products and ingredients, and frequently writes reviews about up and coming brands. In his free time, she enjoys gardening.