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Why Water is Your Body’s Best Friend - Skin O2

Why Water is Your Body’s Best Friend

We’ve always been told to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day because our body is about 70% water. And you know what? We shouldn’t just brush this useful tip-off because water can really do a lot of wonders to your body!

Hydration is key, especially now that we’re approaching the winter season. twitter-iconHere’s a little list we made about the best-kept secret benefits of staying hydrated!

Combat the signs of ageing!

People with dry skin are more prone to wrinkles and fine lines. Unlike those with oily skin, they don’t have a ‘built-in’ moisturiser that hydrates their skin. Sure, drinking litres of water cannot magically erase wrinkles, but it helps with your skin’s natural elasticity. It replenishes your skin by maintaining the optimum skin moisture, thus delaying the appearance of ageing signs.

Your hair is your crowning glory.

Bad hair days are the worst – they ruin a perfectly styled OOTD! Your hair, just like your skin, needs hydration from the inside out. You can easily avoid frizzy hair by rinsing it with cold water. Your hair thrives on a moisture-rich environment, thus your hair stays smooth and shiny! Drinking water can also help support vitamin consumption that helps in efficient and healthy hair growth.

Take care of your claws!

Bet you didn’t know that water can do wonders to your nails as well. One classic sign of dehydration is brittle nails. When they easily break or peel off, you might want to drink a lot more water. Consuming a few litres of water a day can help promote nail growth and prevent dry cuticles. Drinking water ensures you’ll have strong and long nails ready for the amazing nail art you’ve always wanted to try.

Bye, acne! Hello, clear skin.

Water washes away the toxins in your body and eliminates the dirt clogging your pores. This does not only prevent acne and other skin issues, it also gives you a healthier and youthful glow. Squeezing fresh lemon into a cup of hot water and drinking it every morning also helps flush out the toxins faster.

Give your skin some topical love.

You should take care of your skin from the outside just as much as you do on the inside. Especially during the winter season, we are all prone to having drier and flakier skin. Including a high-performing moisturiser on your skincare routine is a must.

Lock in moisture by using Skin O2’s Renewing Collagen Moisturisers for normal and dry skin. Clinically proven to promote anti-ageing, this moisturising cream speeds up the production of new skin cells preventing wrinkles and restoring the youthful glow of your skin.

If you’re on the other end of the skin moisture spectrum, try Skin Smoothing Cream Moisturisers for oily skin! It smoothens your skin, reduces dead cell build up, unclogs pores and reduces oil secretion with a gentle yet effective formula.

Let’s all welcome the winter season together with fresh, youthful and hydrated skin courtesy of Skin O2! Get two of the same moisturiser for the prize of one this month. The cold will never bother your skin again as you get the most supple and glowing skin this winter!

(For the amazing skin prep and beauty regimen videotips & trends, Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram @skino2)

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